Don’t Skip Out On Skip-A-Pay!

Port City Federal Credit Union wants to help you keep some extra cash in your pocket this holiday season. With our Holiday Skip-A-Pay program, we’re offering you the opportunity to skip your November, December or January loan payment(s) and enjoy extra cash to spend, splurge or save however you like. To take advantage of this special offer, complete a Skip-A-Pay request form and submit it at least ten days prior to the payment date to be skipped.

Some restrictions apply:

  • All Skip-A-Pay requests must be approved by a loan officer
  • Loan must be in good standing, with no delinquency over 30 days in the past 12 months
  • Fee of $25.00 must be paid on or before the date of payment to be skipped
  • If applicable, the Co-Borrower must also sign the Skip-A-Pay request form
  • One payment per loan may be skipped
  • Four contractual payments must have been paid on the loan
  • Payments being paid by disability insurance are ineligible

*The following loans are ineligible for Skip-A-Pay: Real Estate Loans/Line of Credit Loans/VISA Credit Card Loans.

Click here for a Skip-A-Pay-Request Form!